Jul 8, 2024

Elderflower Cordial Recipe

A refreshing and fragrant homemade elderflower cordial perfect for summer days.
Elderflower Cordial Recipe

Indulge in the delicate and floral flavors of homemade elderflower cordial, a quintessentially British summer beverage. This delightful drink is not only easy to make but also a great way to utilize the blooms of elderflowers that appear from late May to early June. Its light and refreshing taste make it an excellent choice for warm sunny days, perfectly served chilled or mixed into a variety of cocktails.

This elderflower cordial recipe is a celebration of summer’s fleeting beauty. Elderflowers, with their tiny, fragrant blossoms, can be transformed into a versatile syrup that can be used in desserts, cocktails, and even baking. Join me as we delve into the meticulous yet rewarding process of crafting your very own elderflower cordial. Let's capture the essence of summer in a bottle, ready to enchant your taste buds.


  • 1 kg granulated sugar
  • 1.5 liters water
  • 25-30 elderflower heads
  • 4 lemons, zest and sliced
  • 50 g citric acid


Calories: ~150 calories


  1. Prepare the Elderflowers: Start by carefully inspecting the elderflower heads to remove any insects or debris. Shake them gently and ensure they are clean. Avoid washing them as this can remove some of the delicate flavor.
  2. Boil the Water: In a large saucepan, bring 1.5 liters of water to a boil. Once boiling, remove the saucepan from the heat.
  3. Add Sugar: Add the 1 kg granulated sugar to the hot water and stir until completely dissolved. This creates a sugar syrup that serves as the base for your cordial.
  4. Add Citric Acid: Stir in 50 grams of citric acid into the sugar syrup. Citric acid helps to preserve the cordial and enhances its flavor.
  5. Prepare Lemons: While the sugar syrup is cooling slightly, zest the four lemons and then slice them. Add both the zest and the lemon slices to the syrup.
  6. Combine with Elderflowers: Gently submerge the 25-30 elderflower heads into the sugar syrup. Stir to ensure all the flowers are well covered by the liquid.
  7. Steep the Mixture: Cover the saucepan with a clean cloth and let the mixture steep for 24-48 hours. This allows the flavors to infuse fully.
  8. Strain the Cordial: After steeping, prepare a fine muslin cloth or a fine sieve to strain the mixture. Carefully pour the cordial through the cloth or sieve into a clean, sterilized bowl, straining out the solids.
  9. Bottle the Cordial: Use a funnel to transfer the strained cordial into sterilized bottles. Seal tightly to preserve the freshness and flavor.
  10. Store the Cordial: Store your elderflower cordial in the refrigerator where it can last for several weeks. For longer storage, consider freezing it in plastic bottles.

Enjoy your refreshing elderflower cordial either diluted with sparkling water, mixed into cocktails, or even drizzled over desserts. This versatile syrup is sure to bring a touch of summer to any occasion. Don't forget to experiment with it in different recipes – the options are endless!

Tip: When picking elderflowers, choose a dry day and avoid flowers close to busy roads to ensure the best quality and flavor. Also, make sure to pick the flowers in full bloom, as they will have the maximum amount of pollen and fragrance.