Jul 27, 2024

Spiced Mulled Wine Infused with Citrus and Cloves Recipe

Warm and aromatic mulled wine perfect for cozy winter evenings.
Spiced Mulled Wine Infused with Citrus and Cloves Recipe

Mulled wine, a traditional holiday beverage, has deep roots in European history, dating back to the Roman era. This warm, spiced drink not only offers comfort during the chilly winter months but also enhances festive gatherings with its inviting aroma and rich flavor.

Combining fruits and spices, our Spiced Mulled Wine Infused with Citrus and Cloves recipe brings modern twists to an age-old classic. Whether you're hosting a party or just enjoying a quiet evening at home, this beautifully fragrant mulled wine will make the moment special.


  • 1 bottle (750 ml) of red wine
  • 1/4 cup brandy
  • 1 orange, sliced
  • 1 lemon, sliced
  • 4 whole cloves
  • 3 cinnamon sticks
  • 2 star anise
  • 1/4 cup honey or more to taste
  • 4 cardamom pods (optional)
  • 1/4 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg (optional)
  • 1 vanilla pod, split or 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/2 cup orange juice
  • 1/2 cup water
  • Garnishes: orange slices, cinnamon sticks, star anise


Calories: ~150 calories


  1. Prepare Ingredients: Gather and measure all your ingredients. Slice the orange and lemon into thin rounds. Split the vanilla pod if using.
  2. Combine Ingredients: In a large saucepan, combine the red wine, brandy, orange slices, lemon slices, cloves, cinnamon sticks, star anise, honey, cardamom pods (if using), grated nutmeg (if using), vanilla pod or extract, orange juice, and water.
  3. Heat the Mixture: Heat the mixture over medium to low heat. Allow it to simmer gently; do not let it boil as this will cause the alcohol to evaporate and might alter the flavor.
  4. Steep Spices and Fruits: Reduce the heat to low and let the wine mixture simmer gently for at least 20 minutes. Stir occasionally to ensure all ingredients mix well. The longer you simmer, the more the flavors meld, so consider letting it steep for up to 45 minutes.
  5. Taste and Adjust: Taste the mulled wine and adjust sweetness if needed. If you prefer a sweeter flavor, add more honey to taste.
  6. Strain: Once the wine has reached your desired flavor profile, use a fine-mesh sieve to strain out the solids, such as the spices and fruit slices.
  7. Serve: Pour the strained mulled wine into heatproof glasses or mugs. Garnish each serving with an orange slice, a cinnamon stick, and a star anise.

The art of perfecting a spiced mulled wine lies in balancing the spices and sweetness. Depending on your preference, you can adjust the number of cloves, the type of spices used, and even the type of red wine. If you're adventurous, you might want to experiment with adding a dash of ginger or using different varieties of citrus fruits.

Another handy tip: Prepare the mulled wine a day in advance and let it sit in the refrigerator overnight. This allows the flavors to develop even further. When you're ready to serve, gently reheat the wine on low heat.

Mulled wine is best enjoyed immediately, while it's warm and fragrant. However, if you have leftovers, store them in an airtight container in the fridge. To reheat, gently warm the wine in a saucepan over low heat—avoid boiling to preserve the alcohol content.

Using good quality wine makes a significant difference in the final taste. A full-bodied, fruity red wine, like a Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, or Zinfandel, tends to work best. These wines bring out the depth and robustness needed to complement the spices.

Lastly, remember that mulled wine is more than just a beverage. It's a tradition, a way to bring people together, and create lasting memories. So, the next time you host a gathering or simply want to unwind after a long day, treat yourself and your guests to a pot of this heartwarming Spiced Mulled Wine Infused with Citrus and Cloves.